Lord Nelson Statue Stock Photos - Menai Strait - Below the Plas - Anglesey

  • Here you'll find Lord Nelson Statue stock photos featuring striking images of the stone sculpture by Clarence Paget presiding over the banks of the Menai Strait, below the Plas.


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Lord Nelson Statue Stock Photos

Lord Nelson Statue stock photos are now available to view and up for sale on Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock image portfolio

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A brief history of the stone sculpture presiding over the banks of the Menai Strait, below the Plas to accompany Liberty Photo Art's Lord Nelson Statue stock photos





  • The prominent statue of Lord Admiral Horatio Nelson sits on the shore of the treacherous Menai Strait below the Plas at Llanfair.


  • The stone statue was sculpted by Clarence Paget to commemorate the death of Lord Nelson at Trafalgar in 1805, the statue was unveiled on the 13th September 1873.


  • The statue is Grade II Listed.
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