Washington DC Photography - Stock Images - First Division Monument & Victory Statue

Below you'll find Washington DC photography which features stock images of the First Division Monument crowned by the Victory Statue (Winged Victory).

Washington DC Photography

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A brief history of the First Division Monument and Victory Statue to go accompany Liberty Photo Art's Washington DC photography






  • The First Division Monument is located at the north-west corner of President's Park, west of the White House.


  • The monument honours those who lost their lives serving in the First Infantry Division of the United States Army.


  • The memorial sits in a plaza south of the Eisenhower Old Executive Office Building and was designed by Cass Gilbert.


  • The original monument consisted of a granite shaft crowned by the gilt bronze Victory Statue (Winged Victory) sculpted by Daniel Chester French honouring those who fought in the First World War.


  • Later additions to the memorial honour the First Division soldiers of subsequent wars including World War II, the Vietnam War and Desert Storm.
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