Washington Monument Stock Images - America's National Monument

  • Below you'll find Washington Monument stock images featuring original, unique and versatile photos of the two-tone stone obelisk which pays homage to the 1st President of the United States, George Washington.


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Washington Monument Stock Images

Washington Monument stock images are now available to view and up for sale on Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock photography portfolio

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A brief history of the 1st President of the United States to accompany Liberty Photo Art's Washington Monument stock images







  • George Washington was among the founders of the United States, alone earning the title of "Father of his Country", in recognition of his leadership in the fight for American independence.


  • In 1775 , George Washington led his countrymen to victory winning independence from Great Britain. In 1787, as president of the Constitutional Convention, he helped in the deliberations to form a government that has lasted two centuries.


  • In 1789, George Washington was elected in as the first president of the United States of America unanimously by the Electoral College. Washington defined the presidency & helped develop the relationships among the legislative, executive & juidicial branches of government.


  • With this monument citizens of the United States show their forever lasting gratitude & respect.
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