Anglesey Stock Photographs - Britannia Bridge & Lord Nelson Statue

  • Below you'll find Anglesey stock photographs, this gallery features images of Britannia Bridge and stone statue of Admiral Nelson.


  • With versatile, creative and quality stock photos of the Admiral Nelson Statue presiding over the Menai Strait below the Plas including views of the Grade II Listed Britannia Bridge spanning the treacherous tidal water of the strait.


  • Please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's photograph gallery below.

Anglesey Stock Photographs

Anglesey stock photographs are now available to view and up for sale on Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock image portfolio

  • If you would like to see more Anglesey stock photographs at hi-resolution and or/are interested in purchasing a photograph/s please visit Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolio on Adobe Stock by clicking on the link provided: Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

Please visit Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolio on Adobe Stock if you would like to see more Anglesey stock photographs at full-size and resolution :



Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

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