Cherry Blossom Stock Photos - Thomas Jefferson Memorial - Versatile and Vibrant Images

  • Below you'll find cherry blossom stock photos highlihted by striking scenes of dense freezing fog immersing the Tidal Basin during early spring.


  • Featuring images of the ever popular Yoshino cherry blossoms in peak bloom around the banks of the man-made inlet with stunning views of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument.


  • Please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's photograph gallery of the Yoshino cherry blossoms below.

Cherry Blossom Stock Photos are now available to view and up for sale

If you would like to see more cherry blossom stock photos at full-size and resolution please visit Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock photography portfolio with hundreds of unique, vibrant and versatile images now up for sale

Reflection of the Jefferson Memorial on the calm water of the Tidal Basin and Cherry Blossoms in peak bloom

Sunrise view of the Cherry Blossoms and Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Thomas Jefferson Memorial reflection and cherry blossoms in peak bloom

  • If you would like to see more cherry blossom stock photos at full-size and resolution and or/are interested in purchasing a photograph/s please visit Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolio on Adobe Stock by clicking on the link provided : Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

Cherry blossom stock photos are now available to purchase from Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock photography portfolio:



Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

Below you'll also find internal photo galleries featuring cherry blossom stock photos including iconic architecture, statuary and memorials from around the Tidal Basin including the Jefferson Memorial & Franklin D Roosevelt Memorial :


A brief history of the Tidal Basin cherry trees to go alongside Liberty Photo Art's cherry blossom stock photos






  • 3,000 cherry blossoms were given to Washington DC as a gift from the Mayor Jukio Ozaki of Toyko in 1912.


  • The Japanese cherry trees were give as a gift to help enhance the friendship between the United States & Japan and celebrate the continued close relationship between the two countries.


  • The National Cherry Blossom Festival has commemmorated this generous gift from Japan since 1927.


  • From modest beginnings the festival has blossomed into a truly national event welcoming around 1.5 million visitors each year over the four weekend span of the festival.


  • The official peak bloom date of the cherry blossoms is determined when 70% of the Yoshino cherry blossoms are open.


  • Typically peak bloom occurs somewhere between the last week in March and first week in April with a few exceptions due to extreme weather conditions.


  • Earliest peak bloom ever recorded was on March 15th 1990 and the latest April 18th 1958.


  • The Yoshino variety of cherry trees typically bloom for several days, but the length of the blooming period depends on weather conditions.
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