Cherry Blossom Stock Photographs - Unique Images - Thomas Jefferson Memorial

  • Below you'll find cherry blossom stock photographs highlighted by unique, vibrant and versatile images from the banks of the Tidal Basin featuring the iconic classical revival facade of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial in West Potomac Park, Washington DC.


  • Featuring beautiful sunrise and sunset images of the presidential memorial styled on the Roman Pantheon, taken from the banks of the Potomac River Tidal Basin showcasing the ever popular Yoshino cherry blossoms in peak bloom.


  • Please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's photograph gallery below.

Cherry Blossom Stock Photographs are now available to view and purchase

Interested in cherry blossom stock photographs? Please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock photography portfolio with hundreds of unique and versatile images now available to purchase

Thomas Jefferson Memorial reflection and cherry blossoms in peak bloom

Iconic reflection of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial on the calm water of the Tidal Basin

Early morning misty, spring view looking towards the Jefferson Memorial

  • If you would like to see more cherry blossom stock photographs at full -size and resolution please visit Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolio on Adobe Stock by clicking on the link provided : Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

Cherry Blossom stock photographs are now available to view at full-size and resolution on Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock image portfolio :



Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

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