Lincoln Memorial Nightography - Presidential Memorial - Stock Photographs

  • The gallery below features Lincoln Memorial nightography with striking photos of the illuminated exterior of the presidential memorial which many Washingtonian's believe to be the best time to view the Greek Doric temple which sits prominently at the western end of the National Mall in an area formerly known as the Potomac Flats.


  • The gallery is highlighted by photos of the eastern facade of the Neoclassical temple, Doric order columns, the ceremonial Lincoln Steps, Lincoln Statue & Reflecting Pool all lit-up spectacularly at dark.


  • Please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's photograph gallery below.

Lincoln Memorial Nightography is now available to view and purchase

Want to see more Lincoln Memorial nightography at full-size and resolution? Please visit Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock and Dreamstime portfolios

Lincoln Statue & Lincoln Steps

Presidential memorial illuminated at night

View up the Lincoln Steps towards the illuminated neoclassical temple

  • If you would like to see my Lincoln Memorial nightography at hi-resolution and or/are interested in purchasing a photograph/s please visit Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolios on Adobe Stock & Dreamstime by clicking on the links provided:



For other internal photo galleries featuring Lincoln Memorial nightography please take a look at the following sub-pages below :


Lincoln Memorial Nightography

Lincoln Memorial nightography is now available to view and up for sale on Liberty Photo Art's Dreamstime portfolio

Lincoln Memorial nightography is now available to view and up for sale on Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock and Dreamstime image portfolios:





A brief history of the construction of the neoclassical temple to accompany Liberty Photo Art's Lincoln Memorial nightography :






Lincoln Memorial construction:





  • Memorial walls, Doric columns, attic freeze, entablature and upper steps (Colorado Yule marble)



  • Lower steps & terrace walls (pink Milford, Massachusetts granite)





  • Walls, Ionic columns (Indiana limestone)


  • Statue of Lincoln and plinth (Georgia white marble)


  • Pedestal and chamber floor (Tennessee pink marble)


  • Ceiling panels (Alabama marble saturated with melted beeswax)


  • Murals (Oil paint mixed with white wax and kerosene applied to canvas)
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