Washington DC Stock Photography - Lincoln Statue - Central Chamber - Presidential Memorial

  • Below you'll find Washington DC stock photography featuring creative, versatile and unique photos of the marble Lincoln statue housed in the central hall of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial, a presidential memorial at the western-end of the National Mall, Washington DC.


  • The gallery is highlighted by images of the Lincoln Statue carved from marble housed at the back of the central hall of the presidential memorial including images from the north chamber and south chamber which are separated from the central chamber by colossal Ionic colonnade.


  • Please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's photograph gallery below.

Washington DC Stock Photography

Washington DC stock photography is now available to view and purchase from Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock image portfolio

  • If you would like to see more Washington DC stock photography, please visit Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolio on Adobe Stock by clicking on the link provided: Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

If you're interested in Washington DC stock photography please visit Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolio on Adobe Stock by clicking on the link below:



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