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A brief history of how the historic region has developed to accompany Liberty Photo Art's Georgetown photography
- Georgetown developed well before Washington, D.C.
- Native Americans had a settlement here.
- A land grant was given to Ninian Beall in 1703, who named the area, the Rock of Dumbarton.
- Scottish immigrants began the large population increase in the mid eighteenth century, and the town was renamed George Town in
- It grew rapidy into a tobacco and flour port & finally the city of Georgetown was formed in 1789.
- The Harbor & Chesapeake and Ohio Canal were built in 1828, the streets became lined with townhouses, some still remaining true
today. The railroad led to a downturn in Georgetown's economy & was in decline by the mid-1800s.
- A century later charming houses began attracting wealthy young couples , with restaurants & shops springing up in Georgetown's main
streets including M Street & Wisconsin Avenue. Georgetown still keeps it quiet existence from the rest of the city, even today.