Menai Bridge Photographs - Versatile Stock Images - Stone Arches

  • Menai Bridge photographs features creative and quality stock photos of the World Heritage Site including links to Liberty Photo Art's other internal galleries featuring the Grade I Listed structure.


  • Menai Bridge photographs features photos of the historic bridge's stone arches and suspended wrought iron work anchoring the Grade I Listed structure and World Heritage Site.


  • Please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's photograph gallery below.

Menai Bridge Photographs

Menai Bridge photographs are now available to view and up for sale on Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock image portfolio

  • If you would like to see more Menai Bridge photographs at full-size and resolution and or/are interested in purchasing a photograph/s please visit Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolio on Adobe Stock by clicking on the link provided: Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

Menai Bridge Photographs

Menai Bridge photographs are now available to view and up for sale on Liberty Photo Art's Dreamstime portfolio.

If you would like to see more Menai Bridge photographs, please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolios on Adobe Stock & Dreamstime by clicking on the links provided :





Interested in Menai Bridge photographs why not press one of the internal links below featuring the Menai Suspension Bridge:


A brief history of the Grade I Listed building and World Heritage Site to go alongside Liberty Photo Art's Menai Bridge photographs






  • The historic Menai Suspension Bridge was designed by civil engineer Thomas Telford and completed on January 30th, 1826.


  • At the time of it's completion Menai Bridge was the largest suspension bridge in the world and was a groundbreaking piece of engineering.


  • The bridge spans the dangerous tidal waters of the Menai Straits linking the Isle of Anglesey with the mainland.


  • The suspension bridge is largely made of wrought iron stone, with 16 colossal chains holding up 579-feet of deck, this was crucially important at the time of the bridge's completion because it allowed 100-foot of clear space beneath, allowing tall sailing ships to navigate the seaway to pass safely underneath, whilst spanning the Menai Strait at it's narrowest point.


  • The bridge also ensured the travel time from London to Holyhead was dramatically reduced.
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