Potomac River Stock Images - Watergate Steps & Memorial Bridge

  • Below you'll find a beautiful gallery of Potomac River stock images featuring striking images from both sides of the river.


  • Potomac River stock images is highlighted by photos of Washington DC & Virginia including the : Washington Monument, John F. Kennedy Memorial Center for the Performing Arts, Watergate Steps, Arlington Memorial Bridge, Mount Vernon Trail, Washington Harbor, Rock Creek Trail, Arlington National Cemetery.


  • Please take a look at the photo gallery below.

Potomac River Stock Images

Potomac River stock images are now available to view and purchase from my Adobe Stock photography portfolio

  • If you would like to see more of my Potomac River stock images at full-size and resolution and or/are interested in purchasing a photograph/s please visit my photography portfolio on Adobe Stock by clicking on the link provided : Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

If you would like to see more Potomac River stock images at full-size and resolution please visit my photography portfolio on Adobe Stock :



Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

Geographic information to go alongside my Potomac River stock images




  • The Potomac River is the 21st largest river in the United States, with more than 5 million people living within it's watershed.


  • The Potomac has two sources one at Fairfax Stone in West Virginia and one near Hightown in Virginia. Once the Potomac River passes through Washington DC and beyond it's estuary widens, 17km wide at it's mouth between, Point Lookout, Maryland & Smith Pont, Virginia before flowing into the Chesapeake Bay.
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