Lincoln Memorial Stock Photography - Greek Doric Temple - Washington DC

  • Lincoln Memorial stock photography features creative and versatile images of the eastern facade of the presidential monument.


  • With Autumn (Fall) and Spring photos of the gleaming, white marble ediifice of the Greek Doric temple standing at the western most point of the National Mall, Washington DC.


  • Stock photographs include the: east facing exterior and western facade of the presidential monument designed by Henry Bacon, the ceremonial Lincoln Steps, frieze, cornice, attic frieze and colossal fluted Doric order columns.


  • Please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's photograph gallery below.

Lincoln Memorial Stock Photography For Sale

If you are interested in Lincoln Memorial stock photography please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's creative hi-resolution images for sale on Adobe Stock & Dreamstime

Abraham Lincoln Memorial Reflection

Abraham Lincoln Memorial

Lincoln Memorial Ceremonial Approach

Press on the internal links below to view photo galleries with more Lincoln Memorial stock photography:


Lincoln Memorial Stock Photography

Lincoln Memorial stock photography is now available to view and up for sale on Liberty Photo Art's Dreamstime portfolio.

Lincoln Memorial stock photography is now available to view and purchase on Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock & Dreamstime portfolios:





A brief history of the 16th President of the United States to accompany Lincoln Memorial stock photography






  • Abraham Lincoln was born February 12th, 1809, in a log cabin on Sinking Spring Farm, Kentucky. Elected as the 16th president of the United States, he was the first president to be born outside of the thirteen original colonies, leading the country through it's most testing moments during the Civil War.


  • Lincoln saw slavery as hypocritical for a nation founded on the principle that "all men are created equal". As president he used his powers of office to preserve the Union. In freeing slaves Lincoln left a legacy to freedom which is one of the most enduring birthrights American's possess.


  • Henry Bacon an architect from New York had his design for the presidential memorial chosen by Congress.


  • The Lincoln Memorial exterior is constructed primarily from Colarado Yule marble, Tennessee pink marble, pink Milford & Massacusetts granite.


  • The Lincoln Memorial interior is constructed primarily from Indiana limestone, Georgia white marble & Tennessee pink marble.


  • 36 Doric columns which stand around the perimeter of the memorial represent the number of states in the Union at the time of Lincoln's death. The names of the states are carved in the frieze. The names of the 48 states in the Union when the memorial was completed in 1922 are carved in the exterior walls.


  • A plaque is located in the Lincoln Memorial approachway plaza below the lower steps of the Lincoln Memorial steps commemorating the admission of Alaska & Hawaii.
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