Anglesey Stock Photographs - Plas Newydd House & Gardens

  • Anglesey stock photographs features striking images of Plas Newydd House and Gardens.


  • Featuring a photo gallery showcasing the striking facade of the Grade I Listed country house and it's beautifully presented gardens.


  • Please take a look at my photograph gallery below.

Anglesey Stock Photographs

Anglesey stock photographs are now available to view and up for sale on my Adobe Stock image portfolio

  • If you would like to see more of my Anglesey stock photographs at hi-resolution and or/are interested in purchasing a photograph/s please visit my photography portfolio on Adobe Stock by clicking on the link provided: Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

Please visit my photography portfolio on Adobe Stock if you would like to see more Anglesey stock photographs at full-size and resolution :




Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

A brief history of the country house to accompany my Anglesey stock photographs





  • Plas Newydd Country House & Gardens is set on the shores of the Menai Strait amongst unrivalled natural scenery, with the Snowdonia Mountain range as a backdrop.


  • The house site was first occupied in the 13th-century.


  • The house became the country seat for the Marquesses of Anglesey with the 7th Marquess of Anglesey the last to retain rooms at the house.


  • James Wyatt redesigned the elegant country house in the 18th century.


  • The house is now open to the public and has been owned by the National Trust since 1976.


  • The interior highlights include a military museum & Rex Whistler works, with the terrace garden & Rhododendron garden highlights of the extensive gardens.
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© Liberty Photo Art 2024