US Capitol Photography - Reflecting Pool - Union Square - Nightography

  • US Capitol photography features original and versatile stock images highlighted by nightography from Union Square featuring the United States Capitol Building and Reflecting Pool.


  • Including photos featuring the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial fronting the United States Capitol Building in Union Square.


  • Please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's photograph gallery below.

US Capitol Photography is now available to view and purchase

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Iconic view of the US Capitol Building from beside the Reflecting Pool in Union Square

The Capitol Building reflecting off the surface of the ceremonial pool in Union Square

United States Capitol Building, Reflecting Pool & Grant Memorial from Union Square

  • If you would like to US Capitol photography at full-size and resolutionand or/are interested in purchasing a photograph/s please visit Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolio on Adobe Stock by clicking on the link provided : Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

If you would like to see more US Capitol photography please visit Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock image portfolio by clicking on the link below :




Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

A brief history of the ceremonial pool and grounds to accompany Liberty Photo Art's US Capitol photography





  • The Capitol Reflecting Pool is the western most side of the Capitol gounds & is located at the eastern end of the National Mall in Union Square, occupying 6 acres of the site.


  • On the eastern side of the Reflecting Pool stands the iconic American Civil War statuary of the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial designed by Henry Merwin Shrady, there are also many other tourist destinations within close proximity including the United States Capitol Building, Capitol grounds, U.S Botanic Garden & many open grassy stretches along the Mall.


  • It was designed as a counterpart to the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool at the western side of the National Mall & Memorial Parks designed by Henry Bacon and was completed in 1971.
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