Presidential Memorial Photographs - Lincoln Statue - Presidential Memorial

  • Take a look at the gallery below featuring presidential memorial photographs highlighted by images of the Lincoln Statue carved from blocks of marble housed in the central chamber of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial at the western-end of the National Mall in Washington DC.


  • Highlighted by unique, versatile and original photos of the the iconic marble Lincoln Statue designed by Daniel Chester French and sculpted by the Piccirilli Brothers, the statue is located in the central hall of the Lincoln Memorial. The gallery also showcases photos from the north chamber and south chamber including the colossal Ionic colonnade which separates the three chambers.


  • Please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's photograph gallery below.

Presidential Memorial Photographs

Presidential memorial photographs are now available to view and up for sale on Liberty Photo Art's Adobe Stock image portfolio

  • If you would like to see more presidential memorial photographs at full-size and resolution and or/are interested in purchasing a photograph please visit Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolio on Adobe Stock by clicking on the link provided: Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

Please visit Liberty Photo Art's photography portfolio on Adobe Stock if you would like to see more presidential memorial photographs :




Liberty Photo Art Adobe Stock Portfolio

If you're interested in presidential memorial photographs why not visit the internal photo galleries below which also feature images of the Lincoln Statue & more :


A brief history of the marble Lincoln Statue to accompany Liberty Photo Art's presidential memorial photographs





  • The Lincoln Memorial is a colossal Neoclassical "Greek" styled temple built on reclaimed land from the Potomac River known as the "Potomac Flats" and is located at the western most part of Washington DC's National Mall & Memorial Parks affording the 16th President of the United States with one of the grandest views of the city.


  • The interior of the Lincoln Memorial is divided in to three chambers (North, South & Central) by two rows of colossal Ionic columns.


  • The giant marble statue of Lincoln located in the Central Hall (Central Chamber) standing at a colossal 19 feet tall & 19 feet wide was made from 28 blocks of Georgia marble, was designed by Daniel Chester French & sculpted by the Piccirilli Brothers of New York.


  • Detailed murals above Lincoln's Gettysburg Address & his Second Inaugural Address on the north and south walls depicting principles that were evident in Lincoln's life were painted by Jules Guerin.


  • Ernest Bairstow & Evelyn Beatrice Longman also sculpted features within the memorial.
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