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A brief history military cemetery to accompany my Arlington Cemetery photography
- Arlington National Cemetery is a military cemetery dating back to the American Civil War.
- The land had being previously owned by George Washington Parke Custis, wo was grandson of Martha Washington and step-grandson of George
Washington. Custis left the 1,100-acre property to her daughter who married Robert E. Lee.
- Robert E. Lee was a General in the Confedorate Army but once he left home (Arlington House) to lead the Virginia's armed forces the land
was confiscated by the Union for a military cemetery.
- At the end of the Civil War in 1865, 16,000 soldiers were buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
- There have been around another 300,000 veterans who have joined them since.
- Simple marble headstones mark the graves of the soldiers, the focus of the cemetery is the Tomb of the Unknowns, honoring the thousands
of unidentified soldiers who died in battle.