DC Stock Photos - Eisenhower Old Executive Office Building & Treasury Building

  • Please take a look below at DC stock photos showcasing the elegant and imposing facades of the Eisenhower Old Executive Office Building & Treasury Building flanking the US President's House in the District of Columbia.


  • With versatile photos of the Greek Revival architecture of the Treasury Building and French Second Empire facade of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Old Executive Office Building.


  • Please take a look at Liberty Photo Art's photograph gallery below.

DC Stock Photos

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A brief history of the Executive Office Building & Treasury Building to accompany Liberty Photo Art's DC Stock Photos






  • The area surrounding the White House is filled with grand architecture & political history and open green spaces such as the Ellipse lawn which gives great vistas and perspective to Washington DC, this includes;


  • The Dwight D. Eisenhower Old Executive Office Building was formerly known as the Old Executive Office Building and is located to the west side of the White House.


  • It was previously home to the War, Navy & State Departments.


  • The building was designed by Alfred B. Mullett in the French Second Empire style and completed in 1888.


  • Today the building houses government agencies comprising of the Executive Office of the President, including the Office of the Vice President, the Office of Management and Budget & the National Security Council.



Treasury Building



  • The Treasury Building home to the Department of the Treasury is a colossal, four-story Greek Revival building located to the east of the White House.


  • The building was designed by prominent architect Robert Mills with a striking sandstone and granite edifice which many believe to be the most impressive structure in Washington, the building took a monumental 33 years to complete opening in 1869.


  • A statue of the First Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton stands prominently outside the front of the southern entrance.
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