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A brief history of the memorial and monument located within the Capitol Grounds to go alongside Liberty Photo Art's Washington DC stock photography
- The Robert A. Taft Memorial & Carillon is a carillon dedicated as a memorial to the former Ohio senator, Robert A.
- The memorial was designed by Douglas W. Orr and consists of a white bell tower (The Carillon) made from Tennessee marble standing at
100-feet tall with a 10-foot bronze statue of Taft at the base of the tower sculpted by Wheeler Williams.
- Above the statue of Robert Alphonso Taft inscribed on the bell tower reads;
- This memorial to Robert A. Taft, presented by the people to the Congress of the United States, stands as a tribute to honesty,
indomitable courage and high principles of free government symbolized by his life".
Garfield Monument
- The James A. Garfield Monument stands in a small traffic circle in the south-western grounds of the U.S Capitol between First
Street, SW and Maryland Avenue.
- James A. Garfield was elected the 20th, President of the United States in 1880, but was assassinated in 1881 after only 4 months in
- The classical Beaux Arts monument was sculpted by John Quincy Adams Ward, with the pedestal designed by Richard Morris